• 제목/요약/키워드: Traffic accident

검색결과 1,906건 처리시간 0.027초

신호교차로 안전성 향상을 위한 사고심각도 모형개발 (A Development of Models for Analyzing Traffic Accident Injury Severity for Signalized Intersections)

  • 하오근;허억;원제무
    • 한국안전학회지
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    • 제23권2호
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    • pp.65-71
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    • 2008
  • As the interest in traffic safety has been increasing recently, social movement is being made to reduce the number of traffic accidents and the view on improving the mobility of the existing roads is being converted into on establishing traffic safety as a priority. The increase of traffic accidents related to an intersection in a state that traffic accidents are decreasing overall may suggests the necessity to investigate the specific causes. In addition, we have to consider them when establishing the measures against traffic accidents in a intersection by investigating and analyzing the influences and factors that may affect traffic accidents. To induce the accident severity model, we collected the factors that affect accidents and then applied the Poisson Regression Model among nonlinear regression analysis by verifying the distribution of variables. As a result of the analysis, it turned out that the volume of traffic on main roads, the right turn ratio on sub-roads, the number of ways out on sub-roads, the number of exclusive roads for a left turn, the signals for a right turn on main roads, and an intersect angle were the factors that affect the accident severity.

데이터융합, 앙상블과 클러스터링을 이용한 교통사고 심각도 분류분석 (Data Fusion, Ensemble and Clustering for the Severity Classification of Road Traffic Accident in Korea)

  • 손소영;이성호
    • 대한산업공학회지
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    • 제26권4호
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    • pp.354-362
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    • 2000
  • Increasing amount of road tragic in 90's has drawn much attention in Korea due to its influence on safety problems. Various types of data analyses are done in order to analyze the relationship between the severity of road traffic accident and driving conditions based on traffic accident records. Accurate results of such accident data analysis can provide crucial information for road accident prevention policy. In this paper, we apply several data fusion, ensemble and clustering algorithms in an effort to increase the accuracy of individual classifiers for the accident severity. An empirical study results indicated that clustering works best for road traffic accident classification in Korea.

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CART분석을 이용한 교통사고예측모형의 개발 (Developing the Traffic Accident Prediction Model using Classification And Regression Tree Analysis)

  • 이재명;김태호;이용택;원제무
    • 한국도로학회논문집
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.31-39
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    • 2008
  • 본 연구는 도로기하구조 요인과 교통사고간의 관계를 규명하기 위하여 CART분석을 이용하여 전국의 4차로 국도를 대상으로 교통사고예측모형을 개발하고, 다중회귀모형, 확률회귀모형과 CART분석모형을 비교 분석하여 개발한 모형의 적합도를 검증하였다. 연구결과로는 첫째, 변수간의 복합적인 상호관계를 설명할 수 있는 CART분석을 이용하여 국도의 교통사고 예측모형을 개발하고 도로기하구조 요인에 따라 표준교통사고율을 의미하는 교통사고발생도표를 제시하였다. 둘째, CART분석모형에 근거하여 교통사고 발생률에 큰 영향을 미치는 도로기하구조 요인이 구간거리(km), 횡단보도폭(m), 횡단길어깨(m), 교통량 순으로 나타났다. 셋째, CART분석모형의 적합도 검증결과, CART분석모형이 실제교통사고율을 타 모형에 비해 전반적으로 잘 묘사하고 있었으나, 각 모형별로 교통사고율의 크기에 따라 교통사고율이 비교적 낮은 구간에서는 다중회귀모형이, 평균이상의 교통사고율을 나타내는 구간에서는 포아송 회귀모형의 예측력이 높았으며, CART분석모형은 교통사고율의 크기와 상관없이 우수한 예측력을 보였다. 넷째, 도출된 교통사고발생도표는 도로기하구조 조건에 따른 표준교통사고율을 제시해주기 때문에 도로설계 시에 안전한 기하구조 설계요소 선정기준을 제시 할 뿐만 아니라, 교통사고 잦은 지점개선사업추진 시 사업의 우선순위를 판단할 수 있는 기준을 제시하는 등 정책적 활용도가 매우 높을 것으로 판단된다.

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PDA기반 교통사고 조사장비 개발에 관한 연구 (Development of a Traffic Accident Investigation Device Using PDA Technology)

  • 이상수;오영태;이철기
    • 한국ITS학회 논문지
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.22-29
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    • 2009
  • 본 논문은 각종 교통사고에 대한 보다 효율적이고 신뢰성 있는 조사를 목적으로 PDA를 활용한 교통사고 조사 체계를 검토하고, 이를 구현하기 위하여 요구되는 교통사고 조사 장비를 개발하는 내용을 제시하였다. 이를 위하여 교통사고 조사 양식지와 전문가 설문을 통하여 32개 항목으로 구성된 교통사고 초동조사 양식지를 개발하였다. 이와 함께 도로 교통사고 조사를 위한 모바일 환경 및 GPS, GIS에 대한 PDA 단말기의 요구기능과 시스템 구축 프로세스를 제시하고 장비를 구현하였다. 이러한 연구결과를 반영하여 국내 교통사고 조사체계를 개선한다면 현재 보다 더욱 효율적이고 자동화된 관리가 가능하다고 판단된다.

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당귀수산을 처방받은 교통사고환자의 피부저항변이도 특성에 관한 연구 (A Study on Characteristics of Skin Resistance Variability(SRV) in the Traffic Accident Patients Prescribed Dangkisoo-san(Dangguixu-san))

  • 김유진;차윤엽
    • 한방재활의학과학회지
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    • 제18권3호
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    • pp.119-132
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    • 2008
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study was to know the characteristics of Skin Resistance Variability(SRV) in the traffic accident patients prescribed Dangkisoo-san(Dangguixu-san). Methods : 65 traffic accident patients were selected from those who took the Skin Resistance Variability(SRV) test in Oriental Medical Hospital of Sang-Ji University from March 2007 to January 2008. The traffic accident patients were prescribed Dangkisoo-san(Dangguixu-san). Mean values of factor AA on skin resistance variability of the traffic accident patients were analyzed. Results and Conclusions : The mean values of electrodermal activity of preexamination was higher than those of postexamination in all areas except 3 area in 2nd measurement. In most cases, the gap of electrodermal activity between preexamination and postexamination within the female group was higher than those of the male group. In most cases, the gap of electrodermal activity between preexamination and postexamination within the more than 21 days group was higher than those of the 20days and less group. In most cases, the gap of electrodermal activity between preexamination and postexamination within the 36 years old group was higher than those of the 35years old and less group. Dangkisoo-san(Dangguixu-san) will be more effective for acute and strong traffic accident patients than chronic and weak traffic accident patients. So, further studies will be needed.

운전자 인적요인을 고려한 교통사고 조사양식 개선방안 연구 (A Study for Improving the Traffic Accident Management System with regard to the Driver's Human Factor)

  • 오주석;이순철
    • 한국심리학회지 : 문화 및 사회문제
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    • 제16권3호
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    • pp.267-287
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    • 2010
  • 본 연구는 우리나라의 교통사고 조사양식을 개선하고 이를 통해 사고조사 자료의 신뢰성을 확보하여 인적 사고관련 요인 판단에 도움을 줄 수 있는 방안을 모색하기 위해 실시되었다. 먼저 교통사고 조사양식 개선안을 만들기 위해 미국과 영국에서 사용하고 있는 조사양식 및 관련 연구들이 제시한 항목들을 분석하였다. 또, 이렇게 만들어진 조사양식 개선안이 충분한 사고설명력을 가지는지 알아보기 위해 2008년 한 해 동안 경기도에서 발생한 사망사고 중 502건을 새로 분석하여 기존 항목에 의한 분석결과와 비교하였다. 분석결과, 도로환경 부문과 운전자 요인 부문에서 일부 불명확한 내용의 기존항목이 제거되고, 새로운 내용들이 사고조사 양식에 반영되어야 할 필요성이 제기되었다. 본 연구결과를 바탕으로 인적요인을 고려한 교통사고 조사양식 개선안과 추후 연구과제들을 논의와 부록자료를 통해 제안하였다.

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국내 4지 원형교차로 법규위반별 사고모형 개발 (Development of Accident Model by Traffic Violation Type in Korea 4-legged Circular Intersections)

  • 박병호;김경용
    • 한국안전학회지
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    • 제30권2호
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    • pp.70-76
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    • 2015
  • This study deals with the traffic accident of circular intersections. The purpose of the study is to develop the accident models by traffic violation type. In pursuing the above, this study gives particular attention to analyzing various factors that influence traffic accident and developing such the optimal models as Poisson and Negative binomial regression models. The main results are the followings. First, 4 negative binomial models which were statistically significant were developed. This was because the over-dispersion coefficients had a value greater than 1.96. Second, the common variables in these models were not adopted. The specific variables by model were analyzed to be traffic volume, conflicting ratio, number of circulatory lane, width of circulatory lane, number of traffic island by access road, number of reduction facility, feature of central island and crosswalk.

토지이용특성을 고려한 서울시 교통사고 발생 모형 개발 (Development of Traffic Accident Models in Seoul Considering Land Use Characteristics)

  • 임삼진;박준태
    • 한국재난정보학회 논문집
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.30-49
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    • 2013
  • 본 연구에서는 토지이용에 기반을 두는 새로운 교통사고 예측모형을 개발하였다. 다양한 지역의 특성을 반영할 수 있는 변수에 대한 시장분할 및 추가변수 도입을 토대로 Data Mining 기법의 하나인 의사나무결정법(Classification and Regression Tree)을 활용하여 새로운 유형별 교통사고 예측모형을 개발하였다. 분석결과를 살펴보면 주민등록인구수, 통근 등 활동변수와 활동의 대상이 되는 도로규모, 유발시설 등이 교통사고를 설명하는 변수로 도출되었다.

운전자 특성에 따른 안전 의식 수준과 재해예방 대책에 대한 연구 (A Study on Level of Safety Awareness and Disaster Prevention Measures According to Driver's Characteristic)

  • 이만수
    • 대한안전경영과학회지
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    • 제15권4호
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    • pp.131-136
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    • 2013
  • Automobile was first introduced in 1903 in South Korea, the masses of the car was carried out rapidly compared to other countries. However, many people were killed in a traffic accidents and economic loss was occurred due to the spread of the automobile. In South Korea, 2012, traffic accident occurred 223,656 times, 5,392 fatality, 344,565 injured people. In the last five years, about 224,000 accidents per year were occurring. In other words, 610 traffic accidents occur and about 15 people pass away in one day. In addition, the proportion of traffic accidents is first place in the OECD countries and it is very high in the world. Understand occurrence tendency of traffic accident, accident frequency rate of the driver who drives more than 10 years was higher than the novice driver. In addition, as a result of examining the cause of the traffic accident, breach of safe driving obligation appears highest case (125,391 times), and followed by signal violation, break safety distance. Therefore, the majority of traffic accidents occurred by the lack of safety awareness of the driver. In this study, prevent the loss of human life and property in traffic disaster, by establish disaster prevention measures that investigated by questionnaire survey and statistical data of the state of consciousness and driving posture in response to the driving history of the driver.