• 제목/요약/키워드: imports

검색결과 573건 처리시간 0.029초

U.S. Port Investment Strategies and the Corresponding Economic Impacts Stemming from the Panama Canal Expansion

  • Park, ChangKeun
    • Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.195-211
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    • 2021
  • This paper measures the economic impacts of the U.S. port investment strategies coping with the Panama Canal expansion. Using secondary import data, negative and positive estimates of the impacts were presented in this study. Reduced port activities into the West Coast Customs Districts negatively affect transportation and warehousing industries, among other effects. Still, they have simultaneous positive effects in other states from increased imports resulting from modal shifts and changes in the entry port located in the South and East coasts. This study applied the supply-driven National Interstate Economic Model that measures all interstate trade among the U.S. states to divert foreign imports from 15 Pacific Rim countries. For this purpose, the following assumption was adopted: larger ships using the canal will lead to a redirection of seaborne trade among U.S. (and other) ports and result in secondary effects, e.g., using different freight modes and regional growth spillovers. This study also accounted for the entry point change and significant port investments for foreign trade under alternative scenarios. The choice of ports for international trade depends on decisions about how to minimize multimodal delivery costs. The total direct reduction of transportation and warehousing activities associated with foreign imports in the West Coast ports was estimated at $3.3 billion, leading to total negative effects of $5.8 billion. Total positive impacts from the shift of transportation modes with the choice of an entry port and new warehousing activities for foreign imports in the selected 12 states varied. As expected, states that involved an entry port had the most prominent benefits, but Texas, New York, and New Jersey may be benefited through all the port enhancement projects in the U.S. Also, except for Transportation and Postal, and Warehousing industries, Construction is another dominant positive affected industry of the Canal expansion in the U.S.

산업별 수입침투율이 일자리 안정성에 미친 영향 (Import Penetration and Job Stability: A Micro-Level Analysis for Korea)

  • 황선웅;김재덕;김혁중
    • 산업노동연구
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    • 제23권1호
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    • pp.197-220
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    • 2017
  • 본 논문은 비선형 해저드 모형을 이용해 산업별 수입침투율 상승이 개별 노동자의 일자리 중단 확률에 미친 영향을 실증적으로 분석한다. 주요 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 수입침투율 상승은 일자리 안정성에 상당히 크고 통계적으로 유의한 부정적 영향을 미친다. 산업 총공급 대비 수입 비중이 1%p 증가하면 해당 산업에서 일하는 노동자들의 이직 확률은 4.5%p 증가한다. 둘째, 무역자유화의 효과는 수입과 수출 간에 비대칭적이다. 수입침투율의 경우와 달리 수출의존도가 일자리 안정성에 미치는 영향은 통계적으로 유의하지 않다. 셋째, 수입침투율이 일자리 안정성에 미치는 부정적 효과의 크기는 노동자 특성에 따라 다르다. 중소기업과 무노조 기업에 속한 노동자와 저학력 노동자가 더 큰 부정적 영향을 받는다.

생산모형(生産模型)을 이용(利用)한 수출(輸出)·수입함수(輸入函數)의 가격탄성치(價格彈性値) 추정(推定) (An Estimation of Price Elasticities of Import Demand and Export Supply Functions Derived from an Integrated Production Model)

  • 이홍구
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • 제12권4호
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    • pp.47-69
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    • 1990
  • 수출(輸出) 수입량(輸入量)이 여러 변수(變數)들에 의해서 동시적(同時的)으로 결정(決定)되는 경우 수출(輸出) 수입함수(輸入函數)를 독립적(獨立的)으로 추정(推定)하는 것보다는 이들을 다른 경제활동수준과 함께 동시적(同時的)으로 추정(推定)하는 것이 보다 바람직하다. 본고(本稿)에서는 이에 착안하여 생산모형(生産模型)에 근거한 수출(輸出) 수입함수(輸入函數)의 가격탄성치(價格彈性値)를 추정(推定)하였다. 생산모형(生産模型)에서 수출재(輸出財)는 생산부문(生産部門)의 산출물(産出物)로, 수입재(輸入財)는 투입물(投入物)로 상정(想定)되며 이러한 생산부문(生産部門)을 분석(分析)하고 모형화(模型化)하는 데 GNP함수(函數)가 사용된다. GNP함수(函數)에 약분리성(弱分離性) 제약(制約)이 가해지면 생산모형(生産模型)의 공급(供給) 수요체계(需要體系)에 관한 미시적 정보를 사용하여 이로부터 보다 세분(細分)된 수출(輸出) 수입항목별(輸入項目別) 가격탄성치(價格彈性値)를 도출할 수 있다. 본고(本稿)는 GNP함수(函數)가 약분리성(弱分離性)을 가질 때, 이단계극대화(二段階極大化) 과정(過程)을 통해서 얻을 수 있는 수출공급(輸出供給) 수입수요(輸入需要) 국내공급(國內供給) 노동수요(勞動需要)의 가격탄성치(價格彈性値)와 세분된 수출(輸出) 수입항목(輸入項目)의 가격탄성치(價格彈性値)를 추정하였다. 상부모형(上部模型)의 추정(推定)에서는 국내공급(國內供給)과 수출공급(輸出供給)은 서로 대체관계(代替關係), 수입수요(輸入需要)와 노동수요(勞動需要)는 보완관계(補完關係)에 있으며, 투입요소(投入要素)로서 노동(勞動)과 수입재(輸入財)는 각각 국내공급(國內供給) 및 수출공급(輸出供給)과 서로 보완관계(補完關係)에 있는 것으로 나타났다. 하부모형(下部模型)에서는 세분(細分)된 수출(輸出) 수입항목(輸入項目) 상호간에는 대체(代替) 보완관계(補完關係)가 동시에 나타나는 것으로 추정되었다.

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중국 품목별 수출입이 세계 경제에 미치는 영향 실증분석 (The Impacts of Chinese Seaborne Trade Volume on The World Economy)

  • 안영균;이민규
    • 무역학회지
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    • 제42권6호
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    • pp.111-129
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    • 2017
  • 세계은행 통계에 따르면 2013~2016년 기간 중 세계 경제 성장에 대한 중국의 기여도는 31.6%인 것으로 나타났다. 이는 미국, EU 및 일본의 기여도를 합한 29.0%에 비해 높은 수치로서 중국 경제가 세계 경제에 미치는 영향력이 상당히 크다고 볼 수 있다. 본 연구는 중국의 주요 품목별(화학제품, 곡물, 철재, 원유, 컨테이너) 연도별 수출입 해상물동량이 세계 경제성장에 미치는 영향을 시계열 데이터 분석 모형을 적용하여 분석하였다. 총 분석기간은 1999~2016년이며, 제1기(1999~2007년)와 제2기(2008~2016년)의 시기별 분석을 수행함으로써 중국 무역이 세계 경제에 미치는 영향력 측면에서 시기별로 어떠한 구조적 변화가 발생했는지 조명하였다. 특히 대다수 선행연구들이 세계 무역이 세계 경제에 미치는 영향력을 분석하였다면, 본 연구는 중국 무역의 영향력을 분석하여 세계 무역 대국으로 부상하고 있는 중국을 집중적으로 분석하였다는 데 의의가 있다.

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Factors affecting consumers' preferences for US beef

  • Yoo, Jeongho;Kim, Sounghun;Yoo, Juyoung
    • 농업과학연구
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    • 제45권4호
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    • pp.905-916
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze factors affecting US beef consumption intention in the future, to identify the causes of US beef import growth and to derive implications and strategies for domestic beef producers. Since the KORUS FTA was signed in 2012, US beef imports in 2017 totaled 379,064 tons, an annual increase of 3.5 percent. US beef imports have been steadily increasing due to cuts in FTA tariffs and changes in consumer preferences. The data used in this study utilized a sample of 3,290 grocery purchasers from the Korea Rural Economic Institute's 2016 Food Consumption Behavior Survey. The analytical method used the Ordered Logit Model to analyze what factors influence a consumer's subjective evaluation. As a result, the major factors affecting US beef consumption intention in the future are price, taste and safety. In particular, it has to do with the recent surge in U.S. imports of good-tasting chilled meat. Because chilled meat does not differentiate the market from Hanwoo beef produced in Korea, it is necessary to have differentiated taste and low price through cost reduction. By age and family group, people aged 30 - 40 years and single-person households are the main consumption group. As a result of this study, it is necessary to establish marketing strategies for producers such as rational pricing, safety, taste promotion, and small-scale sales to extend the demand for Hanwoo beef in the younger generation to enhance the competitiveness of the domestic beef market.

The Application of Optimal Control Through Fiscal Policy on Indonesian Economy

  • SYAHRINI, Intan;MASBAR, Raja;ALIASUDDIN, Aliasuddin;MUNZIR, Said;HAZMI, Yusri
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • 제8권3호
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    • pp.741-750
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    • 2021
  • The budget deficit is closely related to expansionary fiscal policy as a fiscal instrument to encourage economic growth. This study aims to apply optimal control theory in the Keynesian macroeconomic model for the economy, so that optimal growth can be found. Macroeconomic variables include GDP, consumption, investment, exports, imports, and budget deficit as control variables. This study uses secondary data in the form of time series, the time period 1990 to 2018. Performing optimal control will result in optimal fiscal policy. The optimal determination is done through simulation, for the period 2019-2023. The discrete optimal control problem is to minimize the objective function in the form of a quadratic function against the deviation of the state variable and control variable from the target value and the optimal value. Meanwhile, the constraint is Keynes' macroeconomic model. The results showed that the optimal value of macroeconomic variables has a deviation from the target values consisting of: consumption, investment, exports, imports, GDP, and budget deficit. The largest deviation from the average during the simulation occurs in GDP, followed by investment, exports, and the budget deficit. Meanwhile, the lowest average deviation is found in imports.

최근 경제위기들과 ASEAN 주요국의 무역 (Recent Economic Crises and Foreign Trade in Major ASEAN Countries)

  • 원용걸
    • 동남아시아연구
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    • 제20권3호
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    • pp.41-64
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    • 2010
  • The recent global financial crisis triggered by the sub-prime mortgage debacle in the United States hit hard most ASEAN countries that have just recovered from the unprecedented economic crisis ten years ago. This paper, using individual time-series and panel data from 1990 to 2009, intends to investigate and compare the impacts of the two aforementioned economic crises on trade in the four developing ASEAN countries that encompass Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand. In doing so, the paper traces the behaviors of main macroeconomic variables before and after the crises on graphs, and then estimates classical export and import demand functions that include real exchange rate, home and foreign GDPs as explanatory variables. In the estimation functions, two dummy variables are added to consider the effects of the two economic crises separately. Individual country data analyses reveal that by and large the 1997 economic crisis seems hit those ASEAN countries' exports and imports harder than the recent global financial crisis. Surprisingly the recent financial crisis turns out more or less statistically insignificant for those countries' export and import performances. The fixed effect model estimation using panel data of those four ASEAN countries also shows that the 1997 economic crisis had affected exports and imports of those countries negatively while the recent global financial crisis was not statistically significant. These results indicate that overall the effect from the 1997 crisis was more devastating than that of the recent global crisis for those ASEAN countries.