농형(籠型) 유도(誘導) 전동기(電動機)의 비대칭(非對稱), 편심구조(偏心構造)에 의한 자기(磁氣) 에너지 분포(分布)

The magnetic energy distribution of asymmetrical & eccentrical the squirrel cage induction motor.

  • 발행 : 1993.11.26


The squirrel cage three-phase induction motor has been used in all types of industry for a number of years. A series of noise components were identied analytically from the expressions for the node numbers and frequencies of the magnetic force waves, taking into account the stator and rotor sldtting, eccentricity, asymmetric and iron saturation. A method is presented for calculating the magnetic energy distribution of eccentrical and asymmetric the squirrel cage induction motor.
