해양미생물로부터 면역증강물질 생산의 최적화

  • 발행 : 2000.11.09


A halophilic bacterium was isolated from domestic marine. The bacterium was gram negative and motile. Transmission electron micrograph after cultivating for 6-, 20-, 72-, and 144 hrs showed that it was bacilli and contained intracellular granules, which were pleomorphic, larger in density by the time and considered to be PHB since they were positive on the sudan black B staining. The presence of sodium chloride was critical, because the isolated marine bacterium could not multiply and even produce any immunostimulant in the deficiency of sodium chloride. The strain produced an immunostimulant, which was investigated for the biological characteristics. The optimal conditions for the production of the immunostimulant were 1 % dextrose and 1 % yeast extract in artificial sea water for carbon and nitrogen sources, respectively. The initial pH and growth temperature for the production were 8.0 and $30^{\circ}C$ under the presence of oxigen, respectively.
