쥬얼리 데이터를 이용한 쾌속조형장치의 주사경로 생성 시간에 관한 연구

Study on the Laser Scanning Path Creation Time of Rapid prototype Using Jewellery Data

  • 발행 : 2004.10.01


This paper presents studies on the creation time of scanning path using rapid prototype device. In the case of Jewellery, it needs to take time too much at the whole process of rapid prototype in accordance with heigh of the multi-layered. When increases the number of polygon by heigh of the Multi-layered, it has proper influence on the creation time of scanning path. Therefore, we can get the spending time and the number of polygon for the creation during increase the heigh of the multi-layered. These values are showed by the quantitative. We try to analyze relation between these and heigh of the multi-layered.
