유전자 알고리즘에 의한 IG기반 퍼지 모델의 최적 동정

Optimal Identification of IG-based Fuzzy Model by Means of Genetic Algorithms

  • 발행 : 2005.05.14


We propose a optimal identification of information granulation(IG)-based fuzzy model to carry out the model identification of complex and nonlinear systems. To optimally identity we use genetic algorithm (GAs) sand Hard C-Means (HCM) clustering. An initial structure of fuzzy model is identified by determining the number of input, the selected input variables, the number of membership function, and the conclusion inference type by means of GAs. Granulation of information data with the aid of Hard C-Means(HCM) clustering algorithm help determine the initial parameters of fuzzy model such as the initial apexes of the membership functions and the initial values of polynomial functions being used in the premise and consequence part of the fuzzy rules. And the initial parameters are tuned effectively with the aid of the genetic algorithms(GAs) and the least square method. Numerical example is included to evaluate the performance of the proposed model.
