고감도 CCD센서 카메라의 영상신호 성능향상을 위한 DSP 회로 설계

A DSP Circuit Design on Improvement of Video Signal With High Sensotivity CCD Sensor Camera

  • 박재철 (아주대학교 전자공학과) ;
  • 김용득 (아주대학교 전자공학과)
  • 발행 : 2007.07.11


This Paper deals with the high sensitive camera circuit design, which is more sensitive than those on the market now in a way that it got rid of chronic smearing problem in CCD sensor and other kinds of noises in video signal effectively. This paper focused on the principle of CCD and video signal process and analyzed the specialized technique of industry and fundamental high sensitivity of CCTV camera. 1 also looked into the SONY super-HAD CCD camera which is very popular in the field now and compared this with the SONY EXview CCD camera to analyze the picture improvement using video test equipment. For the result, it had 190mv on camera sensitivity, 14dB on smearing, and 2dB on signal to noise ratio.
