Overview of Smart Farming based on networks

네트워크기반 스마트농업의 개요

  • Published : 2015.10.26


IT convergence with agriculture is expected to bring more efficiency and quality improvement in pre-production stage, Production stage, post-production stage of agricultural products with the aid of information processing and autonomous control technologies of the IT area. This paper describes the actualized convergence service for agriculture, namely Smart Farming as a solution to cope various problems caused by severe conditions or the gap of viewpoints between the people engaged in farming and the IT engineers. In particular this defines service capabilities for Smart Farming, provides a reference model for Smart Farming, and identifies network capabilities required to produce an infrastructure which supports Smart Farming.

본 논문은 농업의 계획, 생산, 유통 및 마케팅 분야에 이르기까지 체계적인 생산 및 활용을 위한 환경조성에 관한 스마트기본구조로 계획단계(pre-production stage), 생산단계(Production stage), 유통 및 마케팅단계(post-production stage)로 구분하여 서술하였다. ICT기반의 스마트 농업의 모형을 기반으로 하여 농산물에 IT 기술을 적용하여 생산성 향상을 표준화를 목표로 구조 및 절차를 기술한다.
