Strength properties of inorganic adhesives using dead burned magnesia and phosphate according to addition ratio of borax

사소마그네시아와 인산염을 활용한 무기접착재의 붕사첨가율에 따른 강도특성

  • 김대연 (한밭대학교 건설환경조형대학 건축공학과) ;
  • 편수정 (한밭대학교 건설환경조형대학 건축공학과) ;
  • 임정준 (한밭대학교 건설환경조형대학 건축공학과) ;
  • 이상수 (한밭대학교 건설환경조형대학 건축공학과)
  • Published : 2018.11.16


Recently the old buildings have been increasing and increasing reconstruction. As a result, the frequency of use of architectural adhesives has increased. Adhesives are not only used for bonding but also for building materials used in various fields. However, since the adhesive is made of an organic material, it causes various skin diseases and sick house syndrome, and when a fire occurs, harmful substances are generated, and incomplete combustion may cause personal injury. Therefore, in this study, to solve the disadvantages of conventional adhesives, we tried to develop inorganic adhesives using inorganic materials.
