인삼의 질병.병원균 및 방지책에 관하여

Studies on Phytouthora disease of Panax ginseng C. A Meyer; its causal agent and possible control measures

  • 발행 : 1980.12.01


The causal organism of Phytophthora disease on Panax ginseng Meyer in Korea was isolated and identified as Phytophthora cactorum. It's pathogenicity, etiology, and possible control measures were investigated. Disease symptoms on various parts of ginseng plants were also described The fungus caused seedling and mature plant blight and root rot. Oospores were easily formed on potato dextrose agar and corn meal agar. Oospores, however, were not formed in the diseased root tissues but did in the in footed shoots such as leaves, petioles, and stems and in the inoculated berries.
