가압취반시(加壓炊飯時) 미반(米飯)의 물성변화(物性變化)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

Changes of Physical Characteristics of Cooked Rice by Pressure Cooking

  • Kim, Dong Woo (Graduate School, Chungnam Natl. Univ.) ;
  • Chang, Kyu Seob (Dept. of Food Science and Technology, Coll. of Agriculture, Chungnam Natl. Univ.)
  • 발행 : 1981.06.30


본(本) 연구(硏究)는 가압(加壓)솥에 의(依)한 취반시(炊飯時) 미반(米飯)의 물리적(物理的) 성상변화(性狀變化)를 조사(調査) 검토(檢討)하여 최적(最適) 취반조건(炊飯條件)을 구명(究明)함으로서, 효율적(效率的)이고 합리적(合理的)인 대량(大量) 취반방법(炊飯方法)을 개발(開發)하는데 필요(必要)한 기초자료(基礎資料)를 확립(確立)하는데 있으며, 시료(試料)는 국내(國內)에서 재배(栽培)되고 있는 대표적(代表的) 품종(品種)인 Japonica 계통(係統)의 밀양15호와 Indica 계통(係統)의 밀양23호를 7 분도(分搗) 및 9 분도(分搗)로 각각(各各) 조제(調製)한 것을 사용(使用)하였으며, 실험결과(實驗結果)를 요약(要約)하면 다음과 같다. l. 일반(一般) 가정(家庭)에서의 취반미(炊飯米)의 평균(平均) 수분함량(水分含量)은 상압(常壓)솥으로 한것은 65.17%, 가압(加壓)솥으로한 것은 64.52%였다. 2. 쌀의 수화력(水化力)은 밀양23호가 밀양15호 보다 평균(平均) 4.5% 더 높았으며, 밀양23호의 최대흡수량(最大吸收量)은 29.14%였다. 3. 쌀의 팽장용적(膨腸容積)은 흡수력(吸收力), 가열온도(加熱溫度) 및 시간(時間)에 따라 비례(比例)하여 변화(變化)하였고, 최대팽장용적(最大膨腸容積)은 원료(原料)에 대(對)하여 평균(平均) 3.2배(倍)였다. 4. 품종별(品種別) 미반(米飯)의 호화도(糊化度)는 가수율(加水率), 가열시간(加熱時間), 가열온도(加熱溫度)에 따라 크게 영향(影響)을 받았으며 최적조건(最適條件) (가수율(加水率) 160%, 취반압력(炊飯壓力) $0.2kg/cm^2$, 취반시간(炊飯時間) 25분(分))에서 호화도(糊化度)는 밀양23호 9분도미(分搗米)가 0.44였으며 밀양15호 9분도미(分搗米)는 0.64였다. 5. 미반(米飯)의 경도(硬度)는 가수율(加水率), 가열온도(加熱溫度), 가열시간(加熱時間)에 따라 감소(感少)하였으며, 최적조건(最適條件)에서 취반(炊飯)한 밀양23호 및 밀양15호 9분도미(分搗米)의 경도(硬度)는 각각(各各) 2.35kg/wt, 2.0kg/wt였다. 또한 동일(同一) 경도(硬度)를 유지(維持)하려면 밀양23호는 평균(平均) 25%의 가수량(加水量)이 더 필요(必要)하였다. 6. 탄력성(彈力性)은 가수율(加水率), 가열온도(加熱溫度), 가열시간(加熱時間)에 따라 비례(比例)하여 변하(變)였고, 최적조건(最適條件)에서 밀양23호 및 밀양 15호 9분도미(分搗米)의 탄력성(彈力性)은 각각(各各) 15.7mm 및 19.2mm였다. 7. gumminess는 가수량(加水量), 가열온도(加熱溫度), 가열시간(加熱時間)에 따라 감소(減少)하였으며, 최적조건(最適條件)에서 밀양23호 9분도미(分搗米)가 60이었고, 밀양15호 9분도미(分搗米)는 73 이었다. 8. 압력별(壓力別) 최적취반(最適炊飯) 소요시간(所要時間)은 가수율(加水率) 160%에서 밀양15호 9분도미(分搗米)는 $0.2kg/cm^2$에서 25분(分), $0.4kg/cm^2$에서 20분(分), $0.6kg/cm^2$에서 15분(分), $0.8kg/cm^2$에 서 10분(分)이었다.

This study was carried out in order to provide the basic data necessary to develop the effective and desirable cooking method on large scale for investigating the physical characteristics of cooked rices and studying optimum cooking conditions by pressure in kettle cooking rices. Milyang-15, local Japonica type and Milyang-23, high yielding Indica type major varieties cultivated in Korea were used as cooking sample after polishing 70% and 90% respectively, and the results obtained are summarized as follows. 1. The average moisture content of cooked rice by open kettle and pressure kettle method in typical households were 65.17% and 64.52%, respectively. 2. In water absorption capacity of rice grain Milyang-23 was 4.5% higher than Milyang-15, and maximum water content after absorption in Milyang-23 was 29.14%. 3. The expansion volume of cooked rice was changed proportionally by water absorption, heating temperature and time, and maximum expansion volume of cooked rice was 3.2 times greater than rice grain. 4. The gelatinization degree of cooked rice intensively concerning in hardness of rice grain was increased as water-to-rice ratio, heating temperature and time increased, and it was 0.44 in Milyang-23 and 0.64 in Milyang-15 under the optimum cooking conditions as 160% water-to-rice ratio, $0.2kg/cm^2$ cooking pressure and 25 minutes cooking time. 5. The hardness of cooked rice was decreased as water-to-rice ratio, heating temperature and time increased, and it showed 2.35kg/wt in 90% polished Milyang-23 and 2.0kg/wt in 90 polished Milyang-15 under optimum cooking conditions. For maintaining the same level of hardness of cooking rice Milyang-23 required 25% much more water than Milyang-15. 6. The elasticity of cooked rice was changed proportionally by water-to-rice ratio, heating temperature and time, and it appeared 19.2mm and 15.7mm in 90% polished Milyang-15 and Milyang-23 respectively. 7. The gumminess of cooked rice was decreased as water-to-rice ratio, heating temperature and time increased, and it showed 60 and 73 in 90% polished Milyang-23 and Milyang-15, respectively. 8. The optimum cooking time on differerent pressure in kettle took 25 minutes at $0.2kg/cm^2$, 20 minutes at $0.4kg/cm^2$, 15 minutes at $0.6kg/cm^2$, and 10 minutes at $0.8kg/cm^2$.
