식초양조(食醋釀造)에 있어 밀감과피즙(果皮汁) 이용(利用)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

Studies on the Utilization of Orange Peel in the Spirit Vinegar Brewing

  • Kim, Yong Ho (Graduate School, Chungnam Natl. Univ.) ;
  • Park, Yoon Joong (Dept. of Food Science and Technology, Coll. of Agriculture Chungnam Natl. Univ.) ;
  • Sohn, Cheon Bae (Dept. of Food Science and Technology, Coll. of Agriculture Chungnam Natl. Univ.)
  • 발행 : 1981.06.30


밀감과피(果皮)를 이용(利用)한 주정초(酒精醋)를 생산(生産)하는데에 필요(必要)한 기초질료(基礎質料)를 얻기위(爲)하여 실험(實驗)하였으며 다음과 같은 결과(結果)를 얻었다. 1. 과피수율(果皮收率)은 29.0%였다. 2. 초산(醋酸)발효 배지중(培地中)의 밀감과피즙(果皮汁) 함유량(含有量)은 25%내외(內外)가 적당(適當)하였다. 3. 배지중(培地中)의 밀감 과피즙(果皮汁) 농도(濃度)가 70% 이상인 경우에는 초산(醋酸)발효가 저해되었으며 밀감과 피즙 농도가 90%인 경우에는 밀감 과피즙(果皮汁) 농도(濃度) 25%에 비(比)하여 초산생성(醋酸生成)의 최고산도가 약(約) 1% 저하되었다. 4. 초산(醋酸)발효 배지중(培地中)의 밀감과피즙(果皮汁) 농도(濃度)를 25%로 하여 통기(通氣) 발효를 할 경우 평균(平均) 산생성속도(酸生成速度)는 0.062g/100ml.hr. 대수기의 산생성속도(酸生成速度)는 0.15g/100ml.hr., 이론치에 대한 실제치의 산화수율(酸化收率)은 91.4%였다. 5. 초산(醋酸) 발효액에서 oxalate, malate 등(等)이 검출 되었다. 6. 밀감 과피즙(果皮汁) 함량 25% 배지(培地)를 사용(使用)할 경우 생성(生成)된 식초(食醋)의 품질(品質)은 상당히 양호(良好)하였다.

A study was carried out to get the basic information about the brewing of spirit vineger from medium containing mandarin orange peel, and the results obtained were as follows. 1. The yield of peel to fruit was 29.0%. 2. The optimum concentration of peel extract for the acetic acid fermentation medium was about 25%. 3. Acetic fermentation was inhibited when the peel extract content of medium was over 70%. Also the maximum acidity of the medium which contained 90% of peel extract was declined up to 1% comparing to the medium contained 25% of peel extract. 4. In the acetic acid fermentation of medium containing 25% of orange peel extract under the aerobic condition, the average rate of acetic acid production was 0.062g/100ml. hr. and the rate of acetic acid production in log phase was 0.15g/100ml. hr. also the yield of product based on acetification was 91.4% 5. Oxalate, pyruvate, malate was detected in acetic acid fermentation medium. 6. The quality of vineger made from medium containing 25% of orange peel extract was good.
