Flow Behaviors of Native and Gelatinized Rice Starch Solutions

쌀 전분의 현탁액과 호화액의 유동 거동

  • Published : 1984.03.30


Flow behaviors of rice starch-water systems containing 3-9% (w/v) of native and gelatinized starch solutions were studied with the capillary tube rheometer in the temperature range of $30-80^{\circ}C$. Flow behaviors of rice starch-water systems showed non-Newtonion behavior which could be expressed as ${\gamma}{\;}=\;{\psi}(^{\tau}g_c-{\tau}_yg_c)^N$. Flow parameters ${\psi}$, N and $^{\tau}_y$ were determined for native and gelatinized solutions. These parameters indicated that native rice starch solution shows a dilatancy and the gelatinized solution ranges from pseudoplastic to mixed type flow behavior with increasing concentrations. The value of flow behavior index for gelatinized solutions was about 1.2 in all samples but for native solutions, the values were 0.87-0.90. The values of yield stress, which were negligible below 5%, were increased with the increase in concentration from 5 to 9%. The value of consistency index was exponentially dependent on concentration and temperature. The values of activation energy for native and gelatinized solutions were 0.13-2.71 and 5.39-9.57 kcal/g mole, respectively.

5 wt% 쌀전분 현탁액 및 호화된 쌀전분 $3{\sim}9wt%$ 용액을 시료로 한 쌀전분 수용액계의 유동거동을 $30{\sim}80^{\circ}C$ 범위에서 관형 리오메타를 사용하여 조사였다. 생전분의 현탁액은 딜라탄트유체거동을 보인 반면 호화액은 농도증가에 따라 의가소성으로부터 빙햄의 가소성의 유동거동을 보였다. 호화액의 유동거동지수 값은 모든 시료에서 약 1.2정도였으며 현탁액에서는 $0.87{\sim}0.90$범위였다. 3 및 5 % 호화액에서는 항복응력값을 무시할수 있었으나 이들 농도이상에서는 무시할 수없는 정도였고 농도증가에 따라 증가하였다. 점조도 지수값은 지수함수식에 따르는 농도 및 온도의존성을 나타내었다. 쌀전분 수용액계의 $30{\sim}80^{\circ}C$에서 측정한 활성화에너지는 현탁액과 호화액에서 각각 $0.13{\sim}2.71$$5.39{\sim}9.57\;Kcal/g\;mole$ 범위였다.
