Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society (한국도서관정보학회지)
- Volume 14
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- Pages.181-215
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- 1987
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- 2466-2542(pISSN)
Reading education in secondary schools
중. 고등학교에 있어서 독서교육
Reading education is very important in order to promote the refinement, cultivate the emotion and complete the character to the secondary school students. This thesis deals with the establishment of reading education as a formal course in secondary schools, responsibility of teaching and problems related to recommended reading lists. Reading education must separate from the national language education because of literature centered education in reading education. If reading education was separated from the national language education, students can a n.0, pproach to the other cultural boundary besides other own and exchange their information and ideas. So, reading education must be included to the elective subjects in a independent course or become a compulsory subject in secondary school curriculum. The teacher of reading education must become the teacher librarian who has a firm faith and an intellectual accomplishment. But, teacher-librarian has much disadvantages such as the problems of promotion, the division of qualification between elementary school and secondary school, and a short-term training courses for teacher-librarian. Hence, theses problems music be solved in national administrative level. Recommended reading lists must be provided to the student in order to prevent confusion of the sense of value, to estimate their own reading ability by themselves and to establish life long reading plan. Therefore, both Korean Library Association and the Ministry of Education should re-examine and develop recommended reading lists. Finally, problems of a juvenile delinquency in the post industrial society have to be solved through reading education. To solve the juvenile delinquency problems, adolescents should cultivate their moral character and possesses abundant knowledge through reading education. Then, young adults will grow as sound citizen in the society.