수도권과 농어촌 주부들의 선호식품에 대한 조사연구

Survey on the Favorite Food of Housewives Lived in the Metropolitan Area and Rural Area

  • 한명규 (대한유도대학 스포츠 영양학교실) ;
  • 장현기 (숭의여자전문대학 식품영양과) ;
  • 홍영표 (단국대학교 무역학과) ;
  • 이성동 (고려대학교 병설 보건전문대학 식품영양과)
  • Han, Myung-Kyu (Dept. of Sports Nutrition, Korea Yudo College) ;
  • Chang, Hyun-Ki (Dept. of Food & Nutrition, Soong Eui Woman's Junior College) ;
  • Hong, Young-Pyo (Dept. of Foreign Trade, College of Social Science, Dankook University) ;
  • Lee, Sung-Dong (Dept. of Food & Nutrition, Junior Colleae of Public Health and Medical Technology, Korea University)
  • 발행 : 1988.06.30


수도권과 농어촌 주부들 677명을 대상으로 하여 선호식물을 조사한 결과와 이 결과에 따른 수도권과 농어촌간의 상관관계는 다음과 같다. 수도권과 농어촌 주부들 간에 가장 선호하는 주식은 밥류중 쌀밥이었고, 국수류중 냉면이었으며, 부식은 쇠고기국, 된장찌개, 갈비구이, 쇠고기, 깻잎장아찌, 새우튀김, 배추김치 등이었으며, 음료는 수정과, 차류는 코피, 과자류는 약과, 건강식품류중에서는 인삼이었다. 수도권과 농어촌 주부들 간에 장아찌류는 완전상관 관계에 있는 반면, 빵류, 과실류, 나물류 그리고 탕류 등은 역상관계에 있었다. 그외 차류, 건상식품류, 볶음류, 과자류, 국수류, 찜류, 튀김류, 밥류, 김치류, 떡류, 조림류 및 음료류는 대체로 선호식품에 대하여 상관관계가 있었다.

This survey was performed to investigate the favorite foods of housewives lived in the metropolitan area and farm and fishing village, and to find the correlation of the results between those two areas. The most favorite staple foods of housewives in both areas were boiled rice, and iced noodle in noodles. The most favorite sidedishes were beef soup, pot stew with soybean paste, roasted ribs, beef, pickled wild seasame leaf, fried shrimp and pickled korean cabbage. The most favorite one in beverages was fruit punch, and in teas was coffee. Jangachies(pickled vegetables with spices) were in complete correlation, on the other hands buns, fruits, seasoned greens and broths were in the convese correlation between the metropolitan area and farm and fishing village. Teas, diet foods, meats, pan boilings, confections, noodles, somothered dishes, fried foods, boiled rices, Kimchies, rice cakes, hard-boiled foods in soy and beverages were in the general correlation between those two areas.
