TLC/HPTLC에서 측정된 자외/가시부 스펙트럼의 표준화 및 검색

Normalization and Search of the UV/VIS Spectra Measured from TLC/HPTLC

  • 발행 : 1994.08.30


To improve the identification power of TLC/HPTLC the in situ reflectance spectra obtained directly from plates with commercial scanner are used. The spectrum normalization should be carried out prior to comparing and searching the spectra from library for the identification of compounds. Because the reflectance does not obey the Lambert-Beer's law, there arise some problems in normalization. These problems could be solved to some extent by normalizing the spectra with regression methods. The spectra are manipulated with the regression function of a curve obtained from the correlation plot. When the parabola was used as the manipulating function, the spectra were identified with the accuracy of 97% and this result was better than that of conventionally used the point and area normalization method.
