A Study on Biofilm Detachment in an IFBBR

역 유동층 생물막 반응기에서의 생물막 탈착에 관한 연구

  • 김동석 (부산대학교 화학공학과) ;
  • 박영식 (부산대학교 화학공학과, 동서공과대학 환경공학과)
  • Published : 1994.09.01


A detachment of biofilm was investigated in an inverse fluidized bed biofilm reactor(IFRBR). The biofilm thickness, 5 and the bioparticle density, Pm were decreased by the increase of Reynolds number, Re and the decrease of biomass concentration, h. The correlations were expressed as $\delta$=6l.6+16.33$b_c$-0.004Re and Ppd=0.3+0.027$b_c$- 2.93x$l0^{-5}$ no by multiple linear regression analysis method. Specific substrate removal rate, q was derived by F/M ratio and biofilm thickness as q=0.44.+0.82F/M-5.Ix10$-4^{$\delta$}$. Specific biofilm detachment rate, bds was influenced by FIM ratio and Reynolds number as $b_{ds}$=-0.26+0.26F/M+ 2.17$\times$$10^{-4}$Re. Specific biofilm deachment rate in an IFBBR was higher than that in a FBRR(fluidized bed biofilm reactor) because of the friction between air bubble and the bioparticles.



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