급식규모에 따른 산업체 급식소의 운영실태 조사

A Survey on Management of the Foodservice Industry in Seoul following the Size of Feeding Group

  • 이윤경 (숙명여자대학교 식품영양학과)
  • 발행 : 1995.04.01


This is a study on types of foodservice system, the menu, role of the Dietitian, management of the facilities and utensil through the survey conducted at 105 enterprises located in Seoul industrial foodservices which were evenly divided into three groups ; large size of feeding group, medium size of feeding group, small size of feeding group. The sresults are below, 1. Most institutional foodservice was enterprise under direct management. 2. Selective menu was set for the large size of feeding group than small size of feeding group. At budget making, personal management and purchansing management, the dietition role was not important in the large size of feeding group than in the small size of feeding group. 3. Equipped rate of facilities and utensil were greater volume for the large size of feeding group.
