최적 부하 임피던스와 하모닉 튜닝을 이용한 B급 고효율 전력 증폭기의 설계

Class-B high efficiency power amplifier by harmonic tuning iwth optimum load impedance

  • 발행 : 1996.06.01


In this paper, harmonic-tuning method to achieve the maximum efficiency is proposed. Harmonic tuning method is applied to the optimum load impedance of a class B amplifier, which is extracted by using the modified cripps method. High efficiency power amplifier utilizing GaAs MESFET is designed and fabricated in the 835MHz band. The performance of th eamplifier is presented by having output power of 30.8dBm, drain efficiency of 80.5% and power added efficiency of 66% with an associated power gain of 7.4dB.
