악성종양 환자의 통증 및 통증관리에 관한 연구

The Study of Pain and Pain Management of Cancer Patients

  • Yoon Gwi-Ok (Department of Nursing College of Medicine Pusan National University) ;
  • Park Hung-Sook (Department of Nursing College of Medicine Pusan National University)
  • 발행 : 1996.12.05


This study is the descriptive survey to provide basic data for nursing intervention to pain management of cancer patients by finding more effective way to manage pain with recognize pain level and pain characteristics. To achieve the purpose of this study, the subjects of this study are 110 male or female gastro intestinal tract patients who are older than twenty, are hospitalized in Pusan University Hospital from 1995. 5. 28 to 1995. 9. 25 and have had medical treatment. The modified pain assessment of cancer patients of Cornne, H. Rosermary, M. was used as the tool of study with 16 questionaries. The pain score consists of sensory intensity score and distress score. The data was analyzed by the SPSS statistical program number, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, One Way Anova and Duncan's Multiple Range Test were utilized for analysis. The results were summarized as follows : 1. In population-sociological characteristics : in the age-range of subject, the sixties are most as 32.7% and the subjects after the forties are 89.5%, in sex of subjects, male patients are 66.4% and female 33.6%, in the number of family, the subjects who has 4 or above families are 70% and the subjects who live with their spouse, sons and daughters are 54.5% 2. In the disease characteristics : stomach cancer patients were most as 39.1%. And the most of patient who had never been operated before. In time of pain, the most of subjects were intermittent. In the type of pain, the most of subjects were 'dully pain' as 31.8%. Metastatic subjects were 30.0%. In the origin of pain, nervous pressure was 50.8%. The number of complication was 46 and most of complication are obstruction as 6%. 3. In the pain level, 91subjects complained pain. And mean pain score was $287.1{\pm}116.1$ The mean pain score of female subjects was higher than that of male subjects. 4. In the pain characteristics, the pain began usually at meal time as 40.7%. The duration of pain was mostly from 1 month to 3 months as 57.1%. The appetite was mainly concerned with the pain as 31.8%. The etiology of pain was usually tumor as 69.3%. The meaning of pain was incurable disease as 14.5%, anxiety, death and suffering. 5. The 56(61%) of 91subjects were treated with Analgesic pain management. The kinds of Analgesic is usually valentac as 46.4%. The medication was usually intramuscle as 66.1% at whenever necessary, Response of Analgesic after Medication was usually 'moderate release'. The side effects of medication were nausea as 26.8%. The average amount of morphine dosage hospitalized to cancer patients with pain was 80mg in a day and metastatic cancer patients with pain was 101.9mg in a day. 6. In the relation between the disease characteristics and pain level, there is a significant statistical difference : whether subjects had been operated or not : (t=2.88, p=0.005), time of pain is(t=3.34, p=0.005), stage of metastatic(F=9.323, P=0.0002), and type of pain(F=4.013, p=0.0008). In the pain level of diagnosis, Colon cancer was $353.3{\pm}81.7$(F=2.34, p=0.049), the origin of pain, nerve pressure $316.3{\pm}98.5$(F=2.44, P=0.045), In the complication, ascites and obstruction $324.9{\pm}96.8$(T=2.60, P=0.04).
