Ultrastructural Study to the Effects of Fel Ursi and Calculus Bovis Aqua-acupuncture

웅담(熊膽).우황(牛黃) 약침(藥鍼)의 효능(效能) 관찰(觀察)을 위한 미세구조적(微細構造的) 연구(硏究)

  • 나창수 (동신대학교 한의과대학) ;
  • 김정상 (동신대학교 한의과대학) ;
  • 김희철 (동신대학교 한의과대학) ;
  • 김병수 (원광대학교 한의과대학 침구학교실) ;
  • 황우준 (원광대학교 한의과대학 침구학교실)
  • Published : 1997.04.30


In order to know the effects of Calculus $Bovis{\cdot}F디$ Ursi aqua-acupuncture ($C{\cdot}F$ aqua-acupuncture) to the liver damage, we carried out the treatment of $C{\cdot}F$ aqua-acupuncture and injection of Kam-Du-Tang on the liver damaged rat which is induced by aconitine, and then ultrastructural study has been to the liver tissue. The results were as follows: 1. In the hepatic cell of normal group, the nuclear envelope is round and electro-density of nucleoplasm is relatively low, and have one or two large nucleolus. Cell organelle is developed rough endoplasmic reticulum(RER) and many mitochondria, glycogen granules, smooth endoplasmic reticulum(SER) and Golgi apparatus. 2. In 24 hours control group, nuclear envelope is very irregular, RER and most of cell organell is shown that destroyed by aconitine. This is similar to the 48 hours control group. In 72 hours control group, RER is recovered somewhat but cristae of mitochondria is not seen the shape 3.In 24 hours $C{\cdot}F$ aqua-acupuncture group, nuclear envelope is very irregular and cristernae is very dilatable and many mitochondria is dilationed and the cristae is not definite like the control group. In 48 hours $C{\cdot}F$ aqua-acupuncture group, nuclear envelope is relatively round and chromatin is regular. Cristernae of RER and ribosme is somewhat imperfect but is similar the normal group, and the cristae of mitchondria is shown definitely like the normal group. In 72 hours $C{\cdot}F$ aqua-acupuncture group, nuclear envelope is round and cell organell is similar to normal group. 4. In 24 hours Kam-Du-Tang group, nuclear envlope is very irregular and cell organelles are destroyed by the effects of aconitine. In 48 hours Kam-Du-Tang group, nuclear envelope is somewhat irregular but chromatin is relatively regular. RER is seperated regularly through the cytoplasm, but cannot make the structure of lamina, and cistennae is very dilationed. many of glycogen granules is seperated regularly. In 72 hours Kam-Du-Tang group, RER makes the lamina. Mitochondria is a little but inner space is dilationed so the shape of is not definite and a lot of glycogen granules are accumulated in several places. It see the above result, hepatic cell that is damaged by aconitine is effected chiefly by the $C{\cdot}F$ acupuncture and effect of acupuncture is similar to the detoxicated effect of Kam-Du-Tang.



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  2. 細胞構造와 機能 金成俊(外)
  3. 奇蹟의 藥鍼療法 金廷彦
  4. 東醫肝系內科學 金定濟(外)
  5. 藥鍼學 大韓鍼灸學會
  6. 圖解鍼灸實用經穴學 朴鐘甲(譯)
  7. 病理學 病理學會(편)
  8. 現代生藥學 生藥學硏究會(編)
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  10. 方藥合編解說 申載鏞
  11. 人體解剖學 심문균(외)
  12. 經穴學 叢書 安榮基
  13. 本草學 李尙仁
  14. 漢藥臨床應用 李尙仁(外)
  15. 그림으로 설명한 병리학 이중달
  16. 人體解剖學 鄭然泰(外)
  17. 鍼灸學(下) 崔容泰(外)
  18. 精解鍼灸學 崔容泰
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