• Lee, Woo (GARC Department of Mathematics Seoul National University )
  • 발행 : 1997.08.01


In this work, the irreducible complex representations of degree 4 of $B_4$, the braid group on 4 strings, are classified. There are 4 families of representations: A two-parameter family of representations for which the image of $P_4$, the pure braid group on 4 strings, is abelian; two families of representations which are the composition of an irreducible representation of $B_3$, the braid group on 3 strings, with a certain special homomorphism $\pi : B_4 \longrightarrow B_3$; a family of representations which are the tensor product of 2 irreducible two-dimensional representations of $B_4$.



  1. Abh. Math. Sem. v.4 Theorie der Zopfe E. Artin
  2. Ann. of Math. v.48 Theory of braids E. Artin
  3. Abh. Math. Sem. v.11 Uber Zopfgruppen und gleichsinnig verdrillte Verkettungen W. Burau
  4. Ann. of Math. v.49 On the algebraical braid group W. -L. Chow
  5. Representation Theory of Finite Groups and Associative Algebras C. Curtis;I. Reiner
  6. Arch. Math. v.38 On the linearity of automorphism groups of free groups J. Dyer;E. Formanek;E. Grossman
  7. Proc. London Math. Soc. v.73 Braid group representations of low degree E. Formanek
  8. Topology v.32 The Burau representation is not faithful for n ≥ 6 D. D. Long;M. Paton
  9. Comm. in Pure & Applied Math. v.XXII On a theorem of V. I. Arnold W. Magnus;A. Peluso
  10. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. v.119 The faithfulness question for the Burau representation J. Moody
  11. On the character varieties of the modular group B. Westbury