곡선 조각의 군집화에 의한 둥근 물체의 효과적인 인식

An efficient recognition of round objects using the curve segment grouping

  • 발행 : 1997.09.01


Based on the curve segment grouping, an efficient recognition of round objects form partially occuluded round boundaries is proposed. Curve segments are extracted from an image using a criterion based on the intra-segment curvature and local contrast. During the curve segment extraction the boundaries of pratially occluding and occuluded objects are segmented to different curve segments. The extracted segments of constant intra-segment curvature are grouped to different curve segments. The extracted segments of constant intra-segment curvature are grouped nto a round boundary by the proposed grouping algorithm using inter-segment curvature which gives the relatinships among the curve segments of the same round boundary. The 1st and the 2nd order moments are used for the parameter estimation of the best fitted ellipse with round boundary, and then recognition is perfomed based on the estimated parameters. The proposed scheme processes in segment unit and is more efficient in computational complexity and memory requirements those that of the conventional scheme which processed in pixel units. Experimental results show that the proposed technique is very efficient in recognizing the round object sfrom the real images with apples and pumpkins.
