The Effects of Bo-Jung-Chi-Seub-Tang Administration on Body Composition, Blood Biochemistrical Factors and Hormonal Changes during 2 weeks Weight Reduction in TaeKwonDo Athletes

태권도선수(跆拳道選手)의 체중감량시(體重減量時) 보중치습탕(補中治濕湯) 투여(投與)가 신체조성(身體組成), 혈약성분(血液成分) 및 호르몬 변화(變化)에 미치는 영향(影響)

  • Oh, Jae-Keun (Department of Health Care, Korean National University of Physical Education) ;
  • Lee, Myeong-Jong (College of Oriental Medicine, DongKook University)
  • 오재근 (한국체육대학교 건강관리학과) ;
  • 이명종 (동국대학교 한의과대학 재활의학과)
  • Published : 1998.10.30


This study was to investigate the effects of Bo-Jung-Chi-Seub-Tang administration on body composition, blood biochemistrical factors and hormonal changes during 2 weeks Weight Reduction in TaeKwonDo Athletes. 10 subjects were belong to be in elite athletes of KNUPE. They were divided two groups(administration group and non-administration) by 5 subjects in each group randomly. they were measured about body composition(% Fat, Fat Wt, LBM, TBW), Blood Biochemistrical Factors(glucose, TG, total protein, albumin, BUN, Uric acid, Ca, Pi, Mg) and Hormonal Changes(Renin, Aldosteron). As the results of the experiment, conclusions were made as follows: In terms of % Fat, Fat W.T., Mg, TG, Renin, it was shown significant differences between two groups. Although there were no significant differences, rate of weight reduction and levels of LBM, BUN in Bo-Jung-Chi-Seub-Tang administration group were changed more lower than non-administration group.



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