Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society (한국도서관정보학회지)
- Volume 29
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- Pages.27-63
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- 1998
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- 2466-2542(pISSN)
대학도서관 문헌제공봉사의 현황분석과 강화방안
The purpose of this study is to analyze the document delivery service(DDS) of the academic libraries and suggest its improvement model in Korea. DDS means providing copies of information requests in any format and from any source. And DDS is gaining in importance as libraries turn to 'just-in-time' access rather than 'just-in-case' collection to meet user information needs. By good fortune, rising journal subscription prices, declining financial resources, canceling some of journal subscriptions, electronic transmission technologies, and the rise of commercial document delivery services have allowed libraries to begin to deliver articles to users in a much more rapid and acceptable time frame. Therefore, the library paradigm for the 2000s must be the creation of new document delivery structures which capitalize on the access tolls and structures created by librarians during the past generations. First of all, library-based document service requires a close review of existing library-to-library delivery mechanisms, application of technology to transfer of facsimiles of materials and facilitated use of existing fee-based document sources. The ideal document delivery system would feature a transparent, seamless electronic service incorporating searching and browsing identification and marking of desired items, and transmission and fulfillment of requests. And requested items would be supplied from library collection, commercial suppliers, or other sources. But the future of DDS will succeed when physical resources, policies, personnel, and practices are organized to provide timely information delivery to users.