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- Am J Clin Nutr v.42 Digestion of the polysaccharides of some cereal foods in human small intestine Englyst,H.N.;Cummings,J.H.
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- Am J Clin Nutr v.56 Measurement of resistant starch : factors affecting the amount of starchescaping digestion in vitro Muir,J.G.;O'Dea,K.
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- Am J Clin Nutr v.55 Cornstarch fermentation by colonic microbial community yields more butyrate than does cabbage fiber fermentation : Cornstarch fermentation rates correlate negatively with methogenesis Weaver,G.A.;Krause,J.A.;Miler,T.L.;Wolin,M.J.
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- J R Soc Med v.75 Fecal urobilinogen levels and pH of stools in population groups with different incidence of cancer of the colon and their possible role in its etiology Malhorta,S.L.
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- J Nutr v.122 Soluble dietary fiber and cholesterol influence in vivo hepatic and intestinal cholesterol biosynthesis in rats Arjmandi,B.H.;Craig,J.;Nathani,S.;Reeves,R.D.
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- Am J Clin Patho v.53 The colorimetric method for determination of serum total lipids based on the sulfophosphovanillin reaction Fringe,C.S.;Dunn,R.M.
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- Effects of indigestible dextrin on lipid metabolism in rats fed normal or high fat diet Woo,D.H.;Kang,H.S.;Lee,Y.S.;Park,Y.J.;Lee,H.S.
- Arch Intern Med v.151 Hypocholesterol effects of different bulk- forming hydrophilic fibers as adjuncts to dietary therapy in mild to moderate hypercholesterolemia Ahderson,J.W.;Floore,T.L.;Geil,P.B.;O'Neal,D.S.;Balm,T.K.
- Denpun Kagaku v.37 no.2 Pyrolysis of starch and its digestibility by enzymes : Characterization of indigestible dextrin Ohkuma,K.;Matsuda,I.;Katta,Y.;Hanno,Y.
- Diabetes v.30 no.Suppl 1 Plant fiber metabolites alter hepatic glucose and lipid metabolism Anderson,J.W.;Bridges,S.R.
- J Nutr v.108 Regulation by dietary fats of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase in rat liver Ide,T.;Okamatsu,H.;Sugano,M.
- Br J Nutr v.53 The hypocholesterolemic effects of pectins in rats Judd,P.A.;Truswell,A.S.