생봉독을 이용한 세균성 설사 자돈의 치료효과

The Therapeutic Effect of Piglets with Bacterial Diarrhea by Natural Honeybee (Apis mellifera) Venom.

  • 발행 : 1999.06.01


This study was designed to examine the therapeutic effect of Italian honeybee (Apis mellifera) venom in piglets with bacterial diarrhea. Preweaning piglets were assigned to treated and nontreated control groups. In treated group, 47 piglets were given natural honeybee venom once a day for 3 consecutive days. The natural honeybees were stung acupoints of GV-1 (Jiao-Chao, at the indentation between the base of tail and the anus) and ST-25 (Hai-men, about 1 cm lateral to the umbilicus). In control group, 44 piglets were intramuscularly injected with a standard dosage of colistin sulfate (300,000 IU/kg of body weight) and antid-iarrheal drug (berberine, 2 ml/kg) once a day for 3 consecutive days. At post-treatment, 90.9% of control piglets and 93.6 % of piglets in treated group recovered from bacterial diarrhea. Bee acupuncture therapy did not show in piglets without any side effects such as allergy, intoxication, hemorrhage, or infection. It might be concluded that honeybee venom therapy was effective in controlling of piglets with bacterial diarrhea.



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