Construction of Geometric Learning Contents Using the Experimental Computer Software

탐구형 소프트웨어를 활용한 기하학습내용의 구성방안 탐색

  • Published : 2000.07.01


The experimental software such as Cabri II, The Geometer's Sketchpad, etc. provides dynamic environment which construct and explore geometric objects interactively and inductively. It has the effects on mathematics itself differently from other technologies that are used in instruction. What is its characteristics\ulcorner What are the educational implication of it for the learning of geometry\ulcorner How is mental reasoning of geometric problems changed by transformation of the means of representation and the environment to manipulate them\ulcorner In this study, we answer these questions through the review of the related literatures and the analysis of textbooks, teaching materials using it and curricular materials. Also, we identify implications about how the criteria for choosing geometic content and the ways of constructing context, for orchestrating the students' exploration with the secondary geometry curriculum, can be changed.
