가시오갈피나무의 Eleutheroside E 및 Chlorogenic acid 성분함량(成分含量)

The Contents of Chlorogenic acid and Eleutheroside E in Eleutherococcus senticosus (Rupr. et Maxim.) Harms

  • 투고 : 2000.01.14
  • 발행 : 2000.06.30


가시오갈피나무의 약효성분에 대한 기초자료를 제공하고자 자생지 및 재배지간, 산지별, 직경별, 부위별 eleutheroside E 및 chlorogenic acid는 함량을 HPLC로 분석하였다. Eleutheroside E 및 chlorogenic acid의 함량을 분석한 결과 자생지와 재배지간에 함량차이가 나타났다. 뿌리의 chlorogenic acid 함량은 덕유산(0.863%), 대암산(0.667%) 및 치악산(0.630%)의 재배지에서 채취한 시료에서 가장 높았고, eleutheroside E의 함량은 오대산(0.086%) 및 응봉산(0.074%) 자생지에서 채취한 시료에서 가장 높았다. 줄기에서의 두 성분 함량은 모두 재배종 보다 자생종에서 높았으며, chlorogenic acid 함량은 오대산(0.882%)과 연엽산(0.664%), eleutheroside E 성분은 계방산(0.141%) 및 가마봉(0.125%) 산지에서 가장 높았다. 잎에서 eleutheroside E 맞 chlorogenic acid 함량은 산지간에 차이를 보였으며, 뿌리나 줄기의 함량에 비하여 낮았다. 뿌리와 줄기의 직경에 따른 eleutheroside E함량은 직경 크기가 클수록 함량이 높았다.

Eleutherococcus senticosus (Rupr. et Maxim.) Harms is a tree species that has been traditionally used as a source for oriental folk medicine. It is known to contain both Eeleutheroside E and chlorogenic acid. These two compounds are believed to be effective elements in the tree. In the present study, we analyzed the levels of the two compounds from the plants collected from various locations in Korea to find out whether environment affected the quantity of both compounds in the tissue. When the plants growing in their natural habitats and those growing in plantations were compared, the level of the two compounds showed different pattern. In the case of chlorogenic acid in roots, the plants growing in plantations are found to contain higher levels than did those from natural habitats. On the other hand, higher levels of eleutheroside E were found in the plants from natural habitats. However, when the compounds in the stems were compared, the plants growing in the natural habitats contained higher level in both compounds than did those from plantations. Although the level of both compounds in the leaf tissue varied with the places from which they were originated, it appeared to be less than that found in roots or stems. There exists a tendency that the level of eleutheroside E showed a positive correlation with the diameter of both roots and stems of the plants.
