유한요소법 및 유사 3 차원 스트릿-타이 모델 방법을 이용한 PSC 박스거더 정착부의 해석

Analysis of PSC Box Girder Anchorage Zone using FEM and 2D SUB-3D STM Approach

  • 투고 : 2000.01.28
  • 발행 : 2000.04.30


This study evaluates the behavior and strength of an anchorage zone of the prestressed concrete box girder bridge on the Kyungboo highway railroad using the 2D SUB-3D STM approach and a linear elastic finite element analysis. The 2D SUB-3D STM approach utilizes several two-dimensional sub strut-tie models that represent the compressive and tensile stress flows of each projected plane of the three-dimensional structural concrete in the selection of a three dimensional strut-tie model, evaluation of the effective strengths of the concrete struts, and verification of the geometric compatibility condition and bearing capacity of the critical nodal zones in the selected three-dimensional strut-tie model. The finite element analysis uses an 8-node brick element and the longitudinal prestressing force is considered as the equivalent nodal force. Analysis results show that the 2D SUB-3D STM approach and linear elastic finite element method can be effectively applied to the analysis and design of three-dimensional structural concrete including a prestressed concrete box girder anchorage zone.
