중·고등학교 성교육 관련 교과의 교육내용 분석 -제7차 교육과정을 중심으로-

An Analysis of the Contents of Sex Education for Middle and High School Students

  • 한선희 (서울대학교 보건대학원)
  • Han, Sunhee (The Graduate School of Public Health, Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 2001.09.01


The purpose of this study is to offer basic data on sex education for middle and high school students through content analysis of sex education subjects. The objects of this study were sex related subjects in the 7th grade curriculum and sex education guide books. The results were as follows: According to the results of analyzing sex education topics classified by grade, the 7th grade accounted for 35.2% of total topics, the 8th grade 2.9%, the 9th grade 2.9%, and the 10th grade 32.3%, the result of analyzing sex education topics classified by subject, showed 76.4% of total topics in sex education guide book, 29.4% were technique and domestic subjects, 20.5% were physical subjects, 17.6% were moral subjects, 8.8% were science subjects, 2.9% were society subjects. The domains which were chiefly concerned in sex education curricula for middle school students were "Human Development", "Relationship", and "Sexual Health". On the other hand, the domains which were mainly concerned with sex education curricula for high school students were "Relationship", "Sexual Behavior" and "Sexual Health". Most sex education subjects provided less instruction concerning "Personal Skills" and "Sexual Behavior" than other domains. The suggestion according to the results were as follows: It is desirable to teach sex education as an integrated subject. Especially, sex education should be a part of a comprehensive school health education program. Because this study focused on analyzing materials for teachers, further research is recommended to analyze sex education materials for students.
