인간백혈병(人間白血病) 세포주(細胞株)에서 지패산(芷貝散)의 작용(作用)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

Anti-leukemic effects of JIPAESAN and its components on leukemic cells HL-60

  • 황기명 (원광대학교 한의과대학 방제학교실)
  • Hwang Kee-Myoung (Department of Oriental Medical Prescription Wonkwang University)
  • 발행 : 2002.06.20


In the hope of identifying anti-leukemic agents from traditional herbal medicines. this study was designed to investigate the anti-leukemic effects of the herbal medicine Jipaesan, which is composed of Angelica Dahurica and Fritillariae Verticillata. in acute promyeloid leukemia HL-60 cells. Jipaesan showed anti-proliferative effect through the induction of differentiation and apoptosis in HL -60 cells. Verticinone as a major differentiating agent and imperatorin as major apoptosis-inducing agent were isolated from the water extracts of F. Verticillata and A. Dahurica, respectively. Combined treatment of HL-60 cells with two major compounds showed synergy in the induction of differentiation. Since the induction of differentiation and/or apoptosis has therapeutic values in curing acute leukemic diseases. Jipaesan could be useful as an anti-leukemic agent.



  1. 醫學入門婦人小兒外科 李천
  2. 東醫寶鑑 許浚
  3. 方藥合編 黃度淵
  4. 校正方劑大辭典 江克明(外)
  5. 中華醫方精選辭典 v.上 彭懷仁(外)
  6. 中國方劑精華辭典 張浩良(外)
  7. 簡明方劑辭典 江克明(外)
  8. 中醫方劑大辭典 彭懷仁(外)
  9. 漢藥의 配合과 應用 梁基相
  10. 臨床本草學 辛民敎
  11. 中藥現代硏究與應用 v.1;2;4 張文康(外)
  12. 中藥藥理與應用 王溶生(外)
  13. 東醫方劑와 處方解設 尹用甲
  14. 抗癌中藥藥理與應用 李宇彬(外)
  15. 本草學 李尙仁
  16. 本草求眞 辛民敎
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  18. 臨證用藥配伍指南 楊濟
  19. 漢藥臨床應用 李尙仁(外)
  20. 臨床韓藥辭典 態輔信
  21. 한약의 약리 김형균(외)
  22. 法定中藥藥理與臨床 苗明三(外)
  23. 中華臨床中藥 v.下 張廷模(外)
  24. 漢醫學辭典 洪元植(外)
  25. 東醫學辭典 김동일(외)
  26. 國譯本草備要 서부일(외)
  27. 中藥本草學 凌一揆(外)
  28. 亞細亞本草學 陸昌洙(外)
  29. 한약약리학 김호철
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  31. 原色最新醫療大百科事典 v.8 金在佃(外)
  32. 오늘의 진단 및 치료 I 강세윤(외)
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