의류 제품의 소비자 상권 선택 기준 -수도권 신도시(분당, 일산) 소비자들을 중심으로-

Trade Area Selection Criteria for Apparel Products -The cases of Bundang and Ilsan-

  • 발행 : 2002.06.01


The purpose of this study was; to investigate consumers'selection criteria for their trade area when purchasing apparel products; to study whether there is a difference on the importance of the selection criteria; to examine consumers'willingness to visit specific trade area according to the types of apparel products. Four hundred sixty-nine female consumers who lived in the two new towns, Bundang and Ilsan participated in the study by completing questionnaires. Data were analyzed using factor analyses, t-tests, paired t-teats and chi-square analyses. The results indicated that consumer selected trade area based on shop variety within trade areas and range of products, customer services, environment of trade area, price level, entertaining features of the trade area, and the convenience of location and shopping time. In addition, the importance of these criteria varied according to the types of apparel products(i.e. formal wears and casual wears). The types of apparel products had influence on consumers'willingness to visit specific trade area. Consumers preferred the trade areas in the new towns for purchasing formal wears, whereas they frequented the trade areas in Seoul for purchasing casual wears.



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