경쟁 전략 모형을 활용한 "포스트 월드컵" 국내 IT 산업 활성화 방안에 대한 연구 : SI 산업 중심의 분석

The Activating Plan of Domestic IT Industry after 2002 Worldcup using Competitive Strategy Model : Focused on SI Industry

  • 류경석 (경희대학교 일반대학원 경영학과) ;
  • 박주석 (경희대학교 경영학부) ;
  • 이성기 (경희대학교 일반대학원 경영학과)
  • 발행 : 2003.05.31


The success of 2002 Korea Japan Worldcup became a good opportunity to give the message of revival to the people of Korea. With the effect of it, the national brand image has risen. Nevertheless, in order to maximize the chance of time, the most necessary thing that need to be done is to find the strategic counterproposal of the Post Worldcup. Especially, to find the more active plan in the respect of economy. In this research, we have studied the IT industry(especially SI industry) of the economy in order to look into the strategic counterproposal to get the development effect after the Worldcup. We mainly analyzed the SI industry in the respect of economy, because it is not only a high-value added industry of the integration of knowledge and technology but also a high-tech industry which has a spreading effect on the related industries. To implement the analysis of SI industry, derive and verify the strategy, and get the activating plan, we studied with 4 stages. Firstly, analyze the exterior environment and the interior strength with the Competitive Strategy Model(Specially, 7 Force Model & Value Chain Model). Secondly, get the strategy with SWOT analysis. Thirdly, verify the Strategy with interview and survey. Fourthly, classify the SI industry activation plan into 5 kinds after Worldcup through panel discussion and seminar with the data which we got through interview and survey.



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