- 忠壯公詩稿. 4冊. 筆寫本. 筆寫地未詳 : 筆寫者未詳, 筆寫年未詳 宜寧南氏良靖公派大宗會 所藏本 南廷年(著)
- 南忠壯公詩稿. 全1冊. 木版本. 刊行地未詳 : 刊行者未詳 (宜寧南氏良靖公派大宗會 所藏本) 南廷年(著);洪哲禧(編)
- 淸州大學校博物館報 no.15 南忠壯公詩稿考 朴文烈
This study is a bibliographical analysis on the Nam-Chungjanggong-sigo(남충장공시고), a wooden block printed book. On the view of physical bibliography, a table of contents on the Nam-Chungjanggong-sigo is compiled by a preface, a Chungjanggong's poetical works, an extra appendixes and an epilogue; and its wooden printing block has made of 52 plates. On the row of textual bibliography, text of Chungjanggong's poetical works is revised second times, such as each title or text, also title and text; and shorten for verses. And some of verses are prepared for revised the same case of compilation, but omitted in the process of last compilation.