도시지역과 농촌지역 어머니의 자녀양육 스트레스에 대한 관련변인 연구

Related Variable about Maternal Parenting Stress Living in Urban and Rural Ares

  • 박정희 (한국가족상담교육 연구소) ;
  • 장영애 (인천대학교 생활자원관리학과)
  • 발행 : 2003.03.01


The purpose of this study is to investigate the difference of maternal parenting stress through early childhood between urban(Seoul and Incheon) and rural area(Iksan and Kimpo). The subjects were 286 unemployed mothers who have less than 5-year-old children. The statistics used for this data were frequency, percentile, t-test, ANOVA, and multiple regression. The finding from the present study certainly suggested that mother's level of self-differentiation, marital satisfaction, father's parenting support turned out to a significant variables on maternal parenting stress. Results of the regression analysis that the etiologic model of this study was more proper to urban than rural area, and father's parenting support is the most effective variable in predicting maternal parenting stress in both area. Implications based on this study are as follows ; parenting education programs to encourage for father's parenting support with be developed, and various empirical studies about maternal parenting stress in with area will be needed.



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