일부 미용 전공 학생의 헤어스타일과 성격의 관련성에 관한 연구

A Study on the Relationship between Hairstyling of College Students in Department of Beauty Art and Their Personalities

  • 송미라 (광주 송원대학 뷰티코디네이션과) ;
  • 이재란 (여수 한영대학 작업치료과)
  • 발행 : 2003.06.01


This study was designed to identify the relationship between general characteristics and personalities of college students majoring in beauty art. For this, 286 female students from two colleges in Kwangju were interviewed using a questionnaire pertaining to their general characteristics, hair-style and personality from September 20 through 30, 2001. A $x^2{\;}-{\;}test$ was implemented to identify the relationship between hair-style, personality and other variables. The results are summarized as follows: 1 To define characteristics in relation with hair-style, how students decide their hair-style was examined and, as a result, it was reported that 80.8% of targeted students decided by themselves and 19.2% decided by others' suggestions. 2. It is reported that there was no statistically significant relationship among socio-demographic characteristics such as the length of hair, grades, allowances, religion, satisfaction of campus life, and characteristics relating to hair-style such as accessories, mood, shape of face, decision of hair-style, and texture of hair. 3. Their preference of perm type had a statistically significant relationship with their allowance, religion and accessories, but not with their grades, satisfaction of campus life, mood, shape of face, hair-style, and texture of hair. 4. Dye and bleach had a statistically significant relationship with the texture of hair, but not with socio-demographic characteristics and accessories, mood, shape of face and decision of hair-style. 5. Personality of tenacity, extroversion and introversion, emotion and falsehood had no statistically significant relationship with hair-style. Finally, it was proven that strength, extroversion and introversion, emotion and falsehood had no statistically significant relationship with hair-style. More studies to identify personal tendencies that may affect hair-style are necessary.



  1. 국내 피부미용관리사의 교육 및 업무실태조사, 석사학위논문 김춘자
  2. 미용학 개론 v.3 no.1 황희순
  3. 여성들의 헤어스타일의 변화와 심리적 특성관의 관계, 석사학위논문 김진숙
  4. 종합미용이론 이명영
  5. 20세기 헤어스타일의 변천분석-서구 여성의 사진을 중심으로, 석사학위논문 이주연
  6. 패션 헤어스타일의 선호와 성격간의 상관성 연구, 석사학위논문 김양휴
  7. 미용성형 수술이 환자의 정신건강에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구, 석사학위 논문 변금순
  8. Nursing outlook v.21 no.5 The body image and self esteem Rubin,Reva
  9. 미용성형수술을 원하는 여성의 신체상과 자아존중감에 관한연구, 석사학위논문 이경희
  10. 조선의대 논문집 v.23 no.2 피부 관리실을 이용하는 고객의 심리적 특성 및 만족도 나명순;박상학
  11. 한국판 아이젱크 성격검사 시빌아이젱크
  12. 服飾辭典