신용카드 사용에 관한 소비자교육프로그램개발 및 평가

Development and Evaluation of Consumer′s Educational Program in Using Credit Card

  • 서인주 (상명대학교 생활환경학부 소비자주거학) ;
  • 두경자 (상명대학교 생활환경학부 소비자주거학)
  • 발행 : 2003.12.01


This study aims to develop an educational program in using credit card for undergraduate students. In order to achieve this aim, a processor has been followed. first of all, a fundamental work to select the educational contents was Preceded with a survey of learners' needs, case studies of counselling at Consumer Protection Board, and preceding studies. After choice of educational contents, learners' demands on how to manage the educational program was executed in advance. Second, reflecting the above mentioned educational contents, a concrete educational program was built. Based on the constructed plans, both preliminary training and main training were proceeded. Third, to evaluate the effects of the educational program, the knowledge difference, behaviors and attitude changes were all diagnosed. The result suggested that the educational effect was significant in all evaluations section. At last, final program of using credit cards was completed.



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