20세기의 수학과 수학교육에 대한 재조명

  • 한길준 (단국대학교 수학교육과) ;
  • 정승진 (단국대학교 대학원 수학교육과)
  • Published : 2004.02.01


Discussing the history of mathematics in classrooms is often recommended as a way to help show that mathematics was not handed down unchanged from God into the students' notebooks but has been changing and growing throughout the centuries. Now that new millenium century is begun, it is appropriate for historians to look back and for teachers to show that mathematics is not only alive and well but in its most productive period ever. This paper is a brief summary that hints at the flavor of recent mathematical developments. Even if the actual content may be difficult, however, the exciting stories of the people, developments, results, and applications deserve coverage. These stories can add life to school mathematics and encourage our students to join in the fun.



  1. 수학교육교재론 김응태;김연식
  2. 수학편수자료 연구·개발 2002년도 교육과정 후속지원 연구과제 답신 보고 김흥기;박교식;박경미;이장주;정승진
  3. 서울대학교 박사 학위 논문 수학 교수·학습의 구성주의적 전개에 관한 연구 박영배
  4. 新數學敎育の理論と實際 數學敎育硏究會(編)
  5. 응용수학 서울대수리과학부
  6. 수학교수법 이성헌
  7. 수학교육논문집(한국수학교육학회지 시리즈E) v.제12집 수학교사의 신념과 교실 규범 연구를 위한 Ethnography 조정수
  8. A History of Mathematics;수학의 역사(하) Boyer,C.;양영오(역);조윤동(역)
  9. The History of Mathematics: An Introduction Burton,D.M.
  10. What is Mathematics Courant,R.;Robbins,H.
  11. The Philosophy of Mathematics Education Ernest,P.
  12. An Introduction to the History of Mathematics Eves,H.
  13. Proceeding of PME-XI What Constructivism Might Be in Mathematical Education Kilpatrick,J.
  14. Why Johnny Can't Add: The Failure of the New Math Kline,M.
  15. Mathematics, Science and Epistemology Lakatos,I.;J.Worrall(ed.);G.Currie(ed.)
  16. The Philosophy of Mathematics Maziarz,E.A.
  17. Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics National Council of Teachers of Mathematics(NCTM)
  18. Principles and Standards for School Mathematics National Council of Teachers of Mathematics(NCTM)
  19. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School v.5 no.Issue 5 Twentieth-Century Mathematics: A Brief Review of the Century Shirley,L.
  20. The Great Ideas of Modern Mathematics: Their Nature and Use Singh,J.
  21. A Concise History Of Mathematics Struik,D.J.
  22. Hilbert's Mathematical Problems Joyce,D.E.
  23. The MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive University of St Andrews Scotland