가족체계 진단 척도 개발 및 타당화 연구 - Minuchin의 구조적 가족치료 이론에 기초하여 -

The Development of the Family System Diagnosis Scale and Its Validity - On the Basis of Minuchin′s Structural Family Therapy Theory-

  • 이미옥 (대구한의대학교 아동복지학과)
  • 발행 : 2004.03.01


The purpose of this study was to develop the Family System Diagnosis Scale and to examine its reliability and validity. The subscales of the questionnaire included scores on seven constructs. In order to define constructs accurately, a careful review of Minuchin's writings, the writings of other family therapists, and relevant articles on family interaction was undertaken. A pool of 150 items was given to eight family counselors along with a description of Minuchin' s concepts. The counselors were asked to choose the category each statement fit and to rate the degree of fit using the 3-point scale. Using exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and Linear Structural Relationship(LISREL), six subdimensions of individuation and 55 items of FSDS were identified; enmeshmen disengagement(16 items), parent coalition generational coalition(6 items), flexibility rigidity(5 items), spouse conflict resolved unresolved(8 items), mother-child cohesion estrangement(10 items), father-child cohesion estrangement(10 items). 356 adolescents(ages 13∼18), 356 fathers, 356 mothers in Seoul, Busan, Dague, Incheun, Dajeun, Ulsan, and Kwangju were completed the Family System Diagnosis Scale(FSDS). The reliability of the scale was calculated by Cronbach's a Coefficient and the total a = .94 and the calculation for each factor was .87, .60, .77, .80 and .79 respectively.



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