A Path Analysis on Compulsive Buying Tendency of University Students : Demographics, Variables Related to Credit Card and Flow

대학생 소비자의 충동구매성향에 대한 인과적 분석 : 인구통계학적 변인, 신용카드 관련 변인, 플로우 개념을 중심으로

  • 주문자 (충남대학교 소비자생활정보학과) ;
  • 김영신 (충남대학교 소비자생활정보학과)
  • Published : 2004.10.01


In this article the relations between demographics, variables related to credit card, flow and compulsive buying tendency were explored. The survey data collected from 318 university students. The results of regression analysis showed that older students were related to the greater number of card. The greater allowance and number of card were related to the greater average card expenditure per month. Female, younger and the greater average card expenditure per month were related to greater flow. And younger students tended to be more compulsive buying tendency than older students. The greater allowance and flow were related to greater compulsive buying tendency. The results of path analysis showed that the age, allowance and flow influenced on compulsive buying tendency direct. Also age and allowance influenced on compulsive buying tendency direct and indirect.



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