60대 노년 여성의 체간부 체형분류

A Study on Torso Shape Classification of Women in 60s

  • 이소영 (건국대학교 의상텍스타일학부) ;
  • 김효숙 (건국대학교 의상텍스타일학부)
  • 발행 : 2004.11.01


The study has an objective of providing the basic data for the bodice basic pattern that is highly appropriate after classifying the torso shapes of women in 60s. In order to classify the torso shape, 200 women in 60s that reside in Seoul were investigated for 52 tests. The factor analysis produced total of 6 factors. Factor 1 tended to be posture of upper part of torso and shape of shoulder. Factor 2 was an element of silhouette and Factor 3 was vertical size of lower part of torso and side silhouette. Factor 4 showed to be width and thickness of torso, Factor 5 was shape of neck, and Factor 6 appeared to be sagging of belly and buttocks. Therefore, it can be known that posture, silhouette, shape of neck and shoulder, sagging of belly and buttocks, and etc. are important factors for classification of the torso shape of women in 60s. Through a cluster analysis, each torso shape was classified into 4 types and each type showed information on size, shape, and posture clearly. Type 1 showed percentage of 24.2%, and values of height and weight showed to be average. Also, the body shape hardly had any curve with high shoulder at the Posture of upper body, and they had saggy stomach and buttocks. 43.5% of them were involved in Type 2 and they were short and overweighted. They were comparatively large in width compared to the height with no curves. Type 2 had the largest percentage and this can be said to be the special shape of women in 60s. People of Type 3 were short and overweighted just like Type 2 and all the sizes were similar to those of Type 2 or bigger. The posture is right posture and 21.7% fall into this type and there is no body curve. This type is the shortest and most overweighted type, and it is a torso shape with right posture just like Type 4. Type 4 is a torso shape with tallest height and least weight. The percentage was the smallest(10.6%) and the width was smaller than any other type but the height was the tallest. The body curve is very clear and they have thin body but big buttocks so it can be said that the people of this type have the best silhouette. Type 2 that had the highest percentile is short and overweighted so it can be said that Type 2 is the representative torso shape of women in 60s.



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