Design and Implementation of Adaptive Learning Management System Based on SCORM

SCORM 기반의 적응형 학습관리 시스템의 설계 및 구현

  • 한경섭 (국방부 합동참모본부) ;
  • 서정만 (한국재활복지대학 컴퓨터게임개발과) ;
  • 정순기 (충북대학교 전기전자컴퓨터공학부)
  • Published : 2004.09.01


As a part of working on development of the learning management system, a adaptive learning management system which is able to provide individual learner with different learning contents or paths customized to learner's learning behaviors by expanding SCORM was proposed in this dissertation. In terms of instructional technology interrelated with technology of CBI and ITS, new learning environments and learner preferences were analyzed. A related laboratory system was implemented by packaging a process on how to expand the meta data for contents and a process on how to utilize the web-based learning contents dynamically. In order to evaluate the usability of the implemented system, a sample content was provided to some selected learners and their learning achievement resulted from the new learning environment was analysed. A result of the experiment indicated that the adaptive learning management system proposed in this dissertation could provide every learner with the different content tailored to their individual learning preference and behavior. and it worked also to promote the learning performance of every learner.

SCORM의 데이터 모델을 확장하여 학습자의 학습특성에 따라 학습 컨텐츠를 차별적으로 제공할 수 있는 적응형 학습관리 시스템을 제안하였다. SCORM의 데이터 모델 확장과 학습자의 진단-처방처리 절차를 정립하여 IEEE에서 제시한 표준 학습관리 시스템의 아키텍쳐(LTSA)에 추가시켜 시스템을 설계하였으며, 컨텐츠 메타데이터를 확장하였고. 학습진행 동안에 컨텐츠를 동적으로 순서를 정하게 하는 패키징을 정의하여 이를 기반으로 적응형 학습관리 시스템을 구현하였다. 실험 컨텐츠를 이용해 시스템의 성능을 평가한 결과, 학습자의 특성에 따라 개별적인 학습컨텐츠가 제공되었고, SCORM을 확장하여 적응형 학습관리 시스템을 구현하는 것이 가능함을 보여 주었다.
