연안해안에서 Al-Mg 합금재 프로펠러의 마멸-부식거동에 관한 연구

The Study on the Wear-Corrosion Behavior of Al-Mg Alloy in the Coast

  • 발행 : 2004.04.01


This paper reports the studies on the wear-corrosion behavior of Al-Mg alloy in various pH environments. In various pH of sea water, corrosion and wear-corrosion loss of Al-Mg alloy were investigated. Also, the polarization test of Al-Mg alloy using potentiostat/galvanostat was carried out. And the rubbed surface of Al-Mg alloy using scanning electron micrographs after wear-corrosion test was examined in various pH values of sea water. The main results are as following : The polarization resistance of Al-Mg alloy in pH 4 solution is higer than that in pH 6.7 solution, and the corrosion current density in pH 4 is controlled than in pH 6.7 solution. The wear-corrosion loss of Al-Mg alloy with lowering pH becomes sensitive. As the oxide product of Al-Mg alloy appears granular structure and exholiation phenomenon, wear-corrosion loss of Al-Mg alloy increases.



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