Isozyme 및 AFLP분석에 의한 전복류 4종간의 유전적 차이 및 유연관계

Genetic Divergence and Relationship Among Four Abalone Species by Isozyme and AFLP analyses

  • Park Choul-ji (Shellfish Genetic and Breeding Research Center, NFRDI) ;
  • Kijima Akihiro (Education and Research Center of Marine Bio-Resources, Tohoku University)
  • 발행 : 2005.11.01


Isozyme과 AFLP분석에 있어 종간의 유전적 차이 및 유연관계를 분석에 따른 각 유전표식의 특징 및 유용성을 파악하기 위하여 종으로 명확히 구분되는 북반구 2종(H. discus hannai와 또 rufescens)과 남반구 2종(H rubra와 H midae)을 대상으로 분석한 결과 Isozyme 및 AFLP분석은 전복류의 종간분석에 있어 유전적 차이 및 유연관계 분석에 유용한 유전표식임을 시사하였다.

Isozyme and AFLP analyses were examined to estimate the utilities of them as a genetic marker. The utilities were evaluated by genetic divergence and relationships among the four distinct abalone species; Haliotis discus hannai collected from northeast coast of Japan and Yellow-Sea coast of China, H. rufescens collected from west coast of USA, H rubra collected from southeast coast of Australia and H midae collected from Cape Town of South Africa. Isozyme and AFLP analyses showed a clear genetic divergence between every pair of species. Genetic relationships among the low species estimated by isozyme and AFLP analyses reflected to geographical distribution and morphological characteristics. In conclusion, Isozyme and AFLP analyses are suitable genetic markers far estimates of genetic divergence and relationship among abalone species.



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