KTX 개통후 서울~천안구간의 열차운행패턴 분석

KTX Impact on Train Operation Pattern ; An Empirical Analysis

  • 발행 : 2005.12.01


Railroad transportation system has experienced major changes due to KTX introduction. Kyungbu corridor especially Seoul to Cheonan has line capacity problem and its solution has been a primary concern to researchers and policy decision makers. This study explored pattern of train operation between Seoul and Cheonan after the introduction of KTX in 2004. Both the number of trains and available seat capacity per day have increased but maximum number of trains per specific hour has not been changed much. Demand for train shows that if concentrated in a specific time, so number of trains during the peak hour should be increased. But, it is difficult ? 새 line capacity, so increasing seat capacity per train might be an option. An increase in an avaliable sear should be considered the characteristics of each train lines.



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