중학생 자녀를 둔 한국 아버지의 양육참여 척도의 개발 - 중학생 자녀와 아버지간의 상호작용을 중심으로 -

Development a Korean Scale of Paternal Involvement in the Early Adolescence of Their Children

  • 김희화 (부산대학교 생활환경대학 아동.가족학과)
  • Kim, Hee Hwa (Department of Child Development and Family Studies, Pusan National University)
  • 투고 : 2004.10.31
  • 심사 : 2004.12.31
  • 발행 : 2005.02.28


The preliminary Korean Paternal Involvement Scale of 84 items was constructed from items collected from free-response surveys with 106 middle school students and 33 fathers followed by consultation with experts. Those items were tested on a sample of 339 middle school students. The 82 items selected through item analysis were analyzed by factor analysis. Of these, 54 items were categorized into seven factors : leisure-life, proffering information, discipline, academic support, tradition-inheritance, material support, and everyday life. Leisure-life, proffering information, and academic support correlated with grade level of adolescents and fathers' education. The alpha coefficients of this scale ranged from .68 to .90.



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  13. Journal of Marriage and the Family v.54 Sociodemographic factors, functioning style, social support, and fathers' involvement with preschoolers in African-American families Ahmeduzzaman, M.;Roopnarine, J.L.
  14. Journal of Marriage and the Family v.49 Determinants of fathers' participation in family work Barnett, R.C.;Baruch, G.K.
  15. Developmental Review v.11 Mother-child and father-child relationships in middle childhood and adolescence : A Developmental analysis Collins, W.A.;Rusell, G.
  16. British of Educational Psychology v.74 Early father's and mother's involvement and child's later educational outcomes Floun, E.;Buchanan, A.
  17. Journal of Marriage and the Family v.63 no.2 Conditional fatherhood : identity theory and parental investment theory as alternative sources of explanation of fathering Fox, G.L.;Bruce, C.
  18. Fathers and adolescents;The role of the father in child development Hosley, C.A.;Montemayor, R.;Lamb, M.E.
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  20. A biosocial perspective on paternal behavior and involvement;Parenting across the lifespan : Biosocial perspectives Lamb, M.E.;Pleck, J.H.;Charnov, E.L.;Levine, J.A.;Lancaster, J.B.(ed.);Altman, B.J.(ed.);Rossi, A.(ed.);Sherrod, L.R.(ed.)
  21. Developmental Psychology v.32 no.4 Changes in adolescents' daily interactions with their families from ages 10 to 18 : disengagement and transformalion Larson, R.W.;Richards, M.H.;Moneta, G.;Holmbeck, G.;Duckett, E.
  22. Journal of Marriage and the Family v.64 no.1 Effects of commitment and psychological centrality on fathering Pasley, K.;Futris, T.G.;SKinner, M.L.
  23. Journal of Early Adolescence v.20 no.3 Early adolescent girl's perceptions of their relationships with their fathers : a Qualitative investigation Way, N.;Gillman, D.A.