고등학교 배치유형에 관한 연구 - 경기도내 2000년에서 2004년 건립될 고등학교를 중심으로 -

A Study on Layout Types of High Schools - Focused on High Schools Which Were Built from 2000 to 2004 in Gyeonggi Province -

  • 발행 : 2005.07.31


The objective of this study is to analyze the layout types by the characteristics of 24 high school sites in Gyeonggi-do. These 24 high schools were built to establish the learner-oriented education in high schools to comply with the 7th Curriculum of the Ministry of Education. The 7th Curriculum has been altered from the supply-oriented to the demand-oriented and learner-oriented one since the year of 2000 to meet the demands of the fast moving society. For this study, the following researches have been conducted; 1) Literature were reviewed to examine the educational systems that supported architectural planning of existing high schools. 2) The environment and characteristics of the high school sites were investigated and current move in planning of high school site was examined. 3) Layout types were classified by the configurations of existing high school buildings. The output of this study was used to find the architectural data such as building site, building coverage, floor area ratio, the number of floors, site shape, direction and front of building.



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