특수학급(特殊學級) 공간구성(空間構成)에 관한 건축계획적(建築計劃的) 연구(硏究)(1) - 특수학급 학생들의 학습활동을 중심으로 -

A Study on the Spatial Organization of Special Classes in Elementary and Middle Schools(1)

  • 발행 : 2005.07.31


The purpose of this study is to establish fundamental standards of architectural planning concerning special class facilities in order to offer the basic information on the appropriate spatial organization of the special classroom by looking at the relationship between learning activities and living activities and the existing spatial organization. At present, there are no proper architectural standards which correspond to special class children's handicap and it's various characteristics. The special classes are just using ordinary classrooms without a considerations of the children with manifold handicap. In this sense, this study deals with appropriate special class facilities corresponding to the various characteristics of children's handicap, the contacting activities of special children with ordinary children and finally proper environment for the mainstreaming education which special education pursues.



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  2. 강정원, 일반학교에 병설된 정박특수학급에 대한 건축계획적 연구, 한양대 석사논문 1989. 8
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  4. 船越徹, 特殊(心臟)學級の建築計劃的硏究(その4, 5), 83. 9, 84. 10
  5. 長倉康彦, 精神薄弱特殊學級いおける兒童․生徒の實態と集團の編成(その1), 80. 9
  6. 精神薄弱特殊學級における施設利用の實態と要望 (その2), 80. 9
  7. 野村みどり, 行動觀察による心身障害兒の敎育環境に關する硏究
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