북평 산업단지 활성화 전략에 관한 연구

A Study Of Activation Strategies on Buckpyoung Industrial Complex

  • 발행 : 2006.09.30


The most of national industrial complex were developed and supplied not according to the requirements of enterprise but the needs of the government. And it leads to current serious out of balance in demand and supply of industrial complex. Buckpyoung industrial complex started sale from when the industrial complex developed in 1995 however the unsold percentage of it was 67% until in October,2005. And this result was ranked the top in the unsold percentage among the 42 national industrial complex in korea. In this paper we research how to accelerate the sale of Buckpyoung industrial complex and to reinvigorate local economy and present the constitution of building material cluster and physical distribution system as the results of our research.



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